Visitors are encouraged to leave their contact information in our visitors log book located at the entrance to the church so that we can get in touch with you.
If you have questions for the pastor before you visit for the first time, feel free to reach out.
When is worship?
In the summer, worship is on Sundays at 9:30. After labor day, worship will be on Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30.
What should I wear?
You are welcome to come as you are. Most folks come dressed in the clothes they are comfortable in, so you don't need to wear a suit or a fancy dress to fit in.
What if I've never been to a Lutheran service before?
That's fine! The words you are invited to say or sing will be on the screen, so you don't need to worry about juggling a bulletin and a hymnal to follow along.
Our worship style is "liturgical" which just means that it is more structured than other services you might have attended. On the other hand, if you are coming from a Roman Catholic or Episcopal background, our services might feel informal to you.
Am I welcome at communion?
Our table is open to all baptized Christians, following Jesus's example. We believe that Holy Communion is a gift of grace that helps us remember Jesus's death and resurrection, unites us to all Christians of all times and all places, and strengthens us to serve in our everyday lives.
Is my child welcome in worship?
Young people of all ages are welcome to join us in the sanctuary for worship. We welcome them with all of their wiggle and wonder. Children will be invited to come to our "Prayground" for the children's sermon and then return to their seats during the Hymn of the Day. The Prayground is a space with quiet toys and themed activities where children can experience worship in an age appropriate way while still participating with the whole community.
If you wish, your child may also participate in Holy Communion.