Hello Church,
On Sundays we’ve been making our way through Matthew’s gospel. After the Christmas story, we heard the story of Jesus’s baptism (Matt 3), then his temptation in the wilderness (Matt 4). Now for the next few weeks we will get into Jesus’s the sermon on the mount, the core of his public teaching ministry, beginning with the Beatitudes (Matt 5).
The word Beatitude means blessing. This teaching gets this name because it begins with “Blessed are…” 9 times. This is may seem obvious enough, but it is interesting because most of the time “Blessing” in the Bible, especially in the old testament, is about God being blessed. Not us. So what Jesus is talking about perhaps needed some explanation even for his first audience on the mountainside, just like it does for us. I can’t wait to share more about this with you on Sunday.
In the meantime, I invite you to think about times you have experienced (and noticed) God’s blessing. Maybe you can think of times when things were going well and it felt like things between you and God were in sync. Maybe there are other times when you were going through hard times and you knew God was there for you too. Or maybe you could only see God’s presence in those times in retrospect. I’d invite you to make a running list if you have some time.
When you look back, especially if you make a list, pay attention to whether you feel blessed by God more often when things are going well or when you’re going through hard times. I wonder what you’ll discover. Does this surprise you?
Spoiler alert: The way God blesses us is different from how the world talks about blessing. But that’s actually a good thing.
See you Sunday,
Pr. Sami
PS: Here’s a “Blessing for an Ordinary Day (Because something terrible is not happening for once)” from Barbara Brown Taylor (via Kate Bowler).
Food Pantry: Our food pantry is making a difference in this community! Today I got 3 calls about our food pantry in my first hour in the office. Throughout the day, it felt like the phone didn’t stop ringing. By the end of the day I expect to have given out 8 bags of food. The need in this community is so great, which is heartbreaking. But this also means that people in our community are learning about this ministry and hearing about Lutheran Church of Our Savior for the first time as a place that cares. A few of the people who came through our red doors today were repeat visitors, and I’m glad we’ve been a reliable place they can return to. But most of them have been referred by 211 or Unite Us, a state-wide referral database we’ve enrolled in. I tell you all of this to say thank you for your faithful support of this ministry, but also to highlight this outreach ministry and ask for your help. When you visit the grocery store in the next week, I hope you might pick up a few extra items for our food pantry if you can. Acceptable donations include: Hamburger Helper, Pork & Beans, Canned Fruit, Manwich, Spam, Canned Chili, Cereal, Pancake Mix/Bisquick, Syrup, Jelly, Cornbread Mix/Jiffy Mix, Boxed Mashed Potatoes, and Bagged Rice. Or, if you can’t make it to the grocery store, you might consider making a designated donation to the food pantry to help us provide fresh meat and bread.
If you find yourself in need of food from the pantry, you are welcome to come as well. We are always open Mondays from 10-11. But you can also come during the week. It is best to call first to make sure someone is here to help you.
Sign Ups:
You can help with Sunday Morning Fellowship by signing up to set up, clean up, or bring something.
Another way you can help lead is by serving as an acolyte or usher.
If you want to join the altar guild, email Wendy.
If you would like to join the choir on Sunday, just come to practice on Wednesday at 6.
You can help build someone’s connection to the congregation and brighten their day by visiting them in their home and bringing communion. If you’d like to be part of the revival of this ministry, email Pr. Sami at lcosjax@elca1115.com.
Job Opportunities: We have renewed our search for a Church Musician and have begun our search for an Office Administrator. If you are interested or would like to suggest someone for consideration, please let me know or contact a member of the congregation council.
*New* Annual Meeting: I hope you will make plans to join us for our annual meeting on Sunday February 5 at 9:30 AM. We will celebrate the ministry we have done in the past year and look forward to what our next year of ministry will bring.
Hot Mess Express Small Group: If you have children birth-5th grade, you are invited to join a new small group called the Hot Mess Express. We will get together monthly for a potluck meal at someone’s home or at the church. I will bring a Bible study activity for us to do together in family groups. This will give families with young children a chance to connect and support one another and grow in faith. It will also be a place where parents can practice leading their families in faith. The first one will be Friday, February 3 at 5:30. If you’d like to come, email Pr. Sami so I know to expect you.
Dramas for Midweek Lenten Services: In just one month, Lent will begin. As we turn with Jesus toward the cross in this season, we will use the gifts of dramatic story telling to immerse ourselves in these poignant themes. If you would like to participate in these skits in any way, please reply to this email to let me know. I would love your feedback and involvement as we shape what these services will look like.
Holy Communion Class: If your child is interested in taking communion for the first time or is ready to learn more about what Holy Communion means, you are invited to attend a Holy Communion Class at 9:30 on Saturday March 25. We will explore the meaning and significance of Holy Communion in age-appropriate and engaging ways. We’ll bake communion bread for Maundy Thursday, and everyone will have a chance to try the wafers and wine or grape juice. And of course, there will be an opportunity to ask all of your questions about this sacrament. Those who attend will have the opportunity to be recognized for their participation in this faith milestone at the Maundy Thursday Worship service. This is for children and youth PreK-5th grade who are interested in learning more about communion, whether you’ve taken communion ever before or participate weekly. Sign Up Here
*New* Prayer List:
Diana DeVusser – Joyce Johns – Barbara & Jere Yost – Kathy & Ray Valiant – Keith Harris – Michael & Candace – Emily Laughlin Woodard – Leonard Cahlin (pronounced Clean) – Jack & Francois Roth – Betsy Liston – David Liston – Tariq Kwekwe – Zizi Kwekwe – Jeanne LaVana – Kayla Ebert – Pastor Ken Saurman – Susan Woodard – Debbie Barthlomew (pronounced Bartholomew) – Nancy and her son, Eddie – Teresa and Daniel Cross – Jeanette Martinez – Dennis Johns – Haruko Riddle – Gage.