Hello Church,
I am so grateful for the opportunity to take off last Sunday and visit with family to celebrate the New Year. We got to visit Josh’s home congregation and the pastor who married us- something I look forward to doing when we visit his family. The preacher told the Story of the Three Trees, which is an old favorite. It’s one of those stories that just meets us where we are, regardless of age. You might watch it tonight to mark Epiphany Day!
The world likes to mark this time of the year with resolutions and “New Year New Me” challenges and articles and gym membership deals. And that’s fine.
But in the church we mark this time of year with Epiphany. You know, with the kings and the gifts and the star and all that. There are lots of stones to turn over with this story, but on this Epiphany Day I am thinking about the word itself. Epiphany. It evokes a bright idea, or a new realization, an unexpected encounter.
I wonder what difference it would make to enter this new year with eyes and ears open to the world around us, expecting to see God up to something new. Like poet Mary Oliver invites us, “To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work.”
This might look like hearing a bird and then stopping to find it in the tree. Or noticing the way things are already beginning to change as the days get longer. Today I noticed new fresh shoots growing out of the tree outside my window. They must have been growing for weeks but I just noticed them today.
Are you open to the possibility that God might have something new to show you about yourself? Are you willing to be curious about someone you have written off? Is there something else that you could give God a chance to show you? Are you willing to ask, again, with Oliver, “What does it mean that the earth is so beautiful? And what shall I do about it?”
I hope you will take time to mark this day and the beginning of this season with openness. With open eyes. Open ears. Open hands. Open hearts. Open minds. And let’s just watch with wonder how God will be made known to us.
Happy Epiphany Day, Pr. Sami
Worship Schedule: This week, we are back to our regular Sunday schedule with worship at 8:00, Sunday School at 9:15, worship at 10:30, and Fellowship at 11:30.
New Member Class: This Saturday at 11:00 we will also have an opportunity to meet with those who are interested in joining the congregation as members. If you’ve been attending worship and are wondering what is next, this is it! The next class will be held after Easter. But if you have questions about church membership or what it means to be a Lutheran, you’re welcome to reach out any time.
Brown Bag Bible Study: Come to discuss the Gather Magazine study for this month on Thursday, Jan 12 at 11:30 with your lunch. The study will start at noon. All adults are welcome. You can find the study here.
Dramas for Midweek Lenten Services: In just one month, Lent will begin. As we turn with Jesus toward the cross in this season, we will use the gifts of dramatic story telling to immerse ourselves in these poignant themes. If you would like to participate in these skits in any way, please reply to this email to let me know. I would love your feedback and involvement as we shape what these services will look like.
Sign Ups:
You can help with Sunday Morning Fellowship by signing up to set up, clean up, or bring something.
Another way you can help lead is by serving as an acolyte or usher.
I am so grateful to all those who share their gifts and time with us to assist with worship leadership, fellowship time, congregation leadership, building upkeep, faith formation, the food pantry, and just about every other little thing that happens around here. Thank you. If you have an idea for something you’d like to see happen at the church or a way we can grow our impact on the community, let’s find some time to sit down and talk. I’d love to hear from you.
Job Opportunities: We have renewed our search for a Church Musician and have begun our search for an Office Administrator. If you are interested or would like to suggest someone for consideration, please let me know or contact a member of the congregation council.
Poinsettias: This Sunday will be your last opportunity to take home a poinsettia. Any that are left after worship on Sunday will be available for anyone to take home or deliver to a friend. Thank you to all who donated these plants for us to enjoy this Christmas Season.
Pecans: Bring a bag or airtight container to take home some pecans this weekend. You are welcome to take as many as you will use. They can be kept in the shell for months, they can be frozen in the shell for even longer. They will be on a table in the Fellowship Hall. There are still more falling, too. You are free to pick them up and take them home as well.
*New* Holy Communion Class: If your child is interested in taking communion for the first time or is ready to learn more about what Holy Communion means, you are invited to attend a Holy Communion Class at 9:30 on Saturday March 25. We will explore the meaning and significance of Holy Communion in age-appropriate and engaging ways. We’ll bake communion bread for Maundy Thursday, and everyone will have a chance to try the wafers and wine or grape juice. And of course, there will be an opportunity to ask all of your questions about this sacrament. Those who attend will have the opportunity to be recognized for their participation in this faith milestone at the Maundy Thursday Worship service. This is for children and youth PreK-5th grade who are interested in learning more about communion, whether you’ve taken communion ever before or participate weekly. Sign Up Here
*New* Hot Mess Express Small Group: If you have children birth-5th grade, you are invited to join a new small group called the Hot Mess Express. We will get together monthly for a potluck meal at someone’s home or at the church. I will bring a Bible study activity for us to do together in family groups. This will give families with young children a chance to connect and support one another and grow in faith. It will also be a place where parents can practice leading their families in faith. The first one will be Friday, February 3 at 5:30 at my home. If you’d like to come, email Pr. Sami at lcosjax@elca1115.com.
(If you are not currently receiving emails from Pr. Sami but you would like to be added to the distribution list, please email the office at elcalutheran@eastnc.twcbc.com)